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No Collection... ... No Collection Fee. 


Basic Published Collection Fees are as follows:

 Return of Merchandise Fee 50% of the aforementioned published fee unless otherwise agreed upon.
 Retail/Consumer Published Collection Fee 33% - 50% of sum collected unless otherwise agreed upon.
 Commercial Published Collection Fee 13% - 33% of sum collected unless otherwise agreed upon.
 International Published Collection Claims  33.3% of sum collected unless otherwise agreed upon. 

Our fees are a percentage of what is collected. If we don’t collect, you don’t pay!


Collection fees are assessed based on the nature of the claim, the amount of the claim, and the age of the debt.

To avoid any confusion all parties will agree to a set collection fee before going forward with collection process.  


A fifty percent (50%) fee on claims over one year old or second placements may be assessed.  Large claims are negotiable on an individual basis.


Additional Debtor Fees

An additional collection fee owed by the debtor may be added to the balance of your claim if your documentation/contracts stipulate added collection fees on delinquent accounts. This fee varies between twenty five to thirty five percent of the sum placed depending on the nature of the claim placed for collection.  



When necessary, claims will be forwarded to attorneys for collection.   

Suit will not be authorized without your approval.  You/creditor will be responsible for court costs and attorney fees.

Collection fees may increase when a claim is placed with an attorney.  However, a lawsuit will not be filed, and no legal costs incurred without your prior authorization.

International legal fees and legal costs vary depending upon the country.  Therefore, again, no legal cost and fees will be incurred without your authorization.